A Fresh Start!

Don’t you just love new beginnings?

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A blank slate?

How about a brand new journal or sketchbook?

When you’re staring at all those blank pages, and smelling that brand new pack of crayons, it’s hard to imagine what will eventually fill up those pages. How you’ll keep everything organized. How pretty you’ll make it. How you’ll fill it with thoughts and dreams and plans and schemes.

How much better it will be than your tattered old sketchbook,
which has been a little scribbly and disorderly for a while,
and you’ve not been all that inspired to open it and doodle.

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On Sunday, my daughter took one good look at my website and decided it needed help. She was right, and I had been thinking that same thing for quite a while. And my blog too. My main hope was to put everything in one place…

Blog… Website… Shop, eventually.

Where I only had to remember ONE password.

(If you’re over 40, you will totally get that.)

So here is what became of that sudden blog revamp. She set up the bare bones stuff and it’s going to take me a while to pretty it up, but the ideas are flowing once again. Scissors and paintbrush have been employed. There are plans for bringing the Most Important Posts over to this new space.

And then there are the blank pages to
be filled with who-knows-what…

…Gotta get my crayons!
