Tot School… So far!

I’ve been meaning to post about our Tot School Adventures this year, but sometimes with little people, you just have time to prepare the fun, snap the pictures, clean up the crumbs, and prepare the next fun… And I forget to organize it all in a photo album or blog post! So here’s a quick pictorial overview of our school days so far this year!

IMG_5593The Students…

IMG_5606Our son, TJ

IMG_5603Our Grandboy, Z-Man

IMG_5602Ou Grandgirl, Sweet T

IMG_5675A is for Ark…

IMG_5744Going on a Bear Hunt…


Caterpillars and Creation…




D is for Dirt…


Green Eggs & Ham…IMG_6206Green Eggs & Ham…


One Fish, Two Fish…

IMG_6323IMG_6322IMG_6579G is for Giant… 

…and Magic Beans, of course.


So far, we’ve done a crazy mix of Before Five in a Row, The Peaceful Preschool, The Homegrown Preschooler, and Pinterest activities, with an underlying theme of a “Letter a Week.” I’m not so sure they’re understanding the overall Alphabet theme at this point, so we took a slight detour this summer, mixing activities suggested by The Homegrown Preschooler. Our current plan is to go full steam ahead with A Year of Playing Skillfully(incredibly fun curriculum based on The Homegrown Preschooler) and mixing in Before Five in a Rowbooks where they fit in. We’re going to hold off on The Peaceful Preschooluntil next year, when everyone is ready for more in-depth letter learning. (Although Z-Man is going to get some Alphabet practice on his own this year!)

What’s on the books for this upcoming year is monthly themes, lots of good books, oodles of sensory activities and motor skill development, messy art experiences and silly songs, Bible stories, and good times playing with “cousins” and friends! My next post will be about our July theme, transitioning us toward saying “Yes!” to playing skillfully!